Positive Attitude Helps in Inspiring People

Steps towards inspiration

The way we choose to think, positive or negative, has a great impact on the final outcome and is mirrored in everything we do. Hence it's very important to have good selection of thoughts and that's only going to help you in inspiring people.

We can persuade other people of our thoughts and ideas only when we, our self, seem to be convinced and confident about them. To develop self-confidence we should learn and recover from our mistakes and should focus on our strengths.


  • We should start small.
  • Do not hesitate to try even if you do not know how to start.
  • And start slowly with one step at a time.
  • We should give ourself time to complete each small task and learn from it.
As you work to improve your performance, there will be rapid learning initially. After this, comes the period of practice and then a steady improvement of skills.


  • In a relaxed state the mind evaluates a problem rationally and clearly.We can practice relaxation techniques in our spare time so that it comes naturally.
  • In a relaxed state the mind evaluates a problem rationally and clearly.We can practice relaxation techniques in our spare time so that it comes naturally.
  • See mistakes as learning opportunities and avoid dwelling on negative feedback.
  • Step back and ask ourself what we learnt from a situation, rather than considering ourself incompetent.
  • You should always focus on building up your strong points.
  • When your strength is your activeness then you should be decisive when presenting your ideas. When strength is prepared then always prepare meticulously for meetings and presentations.
  • If your strength is gregarious then you should try to reach out to people and put them at ease with a casual chat, compliments or by charm.
  • If your strength is well-informed then make a subtle show of your grasp on current affairs and organizational matters.
  • If determination is your strength then in order to make it strong take initiative in meetings and presentations to senior management and clients.
  • If you are logical then evaluate your ideas from every angle and anticipate any obstacles


  • To influence people effectively one needs a goal to work for. Keep your values as motivating factors.
  • To be a good leader and spot others’ potential, you must first know your own strengths.
  • Identify your aptitude, interests, strong points and your long-term ambition. 
  • You are more likely to succeed in the long run if you like what you do.
                                         Readers also read : How to Win and Handle Conflicts


  • A good leader or effective influencers do not wait for opportunities to come knocking.
  • They believe in being proactive rather than reactive. 
  • They take initiative wherever possible. Similarly, take the lead whenever you are faced with an opportunity. 
  • And we should always try to learn from our mistakes and also learn to overlook events that are beyond our control. 
  • Keep a positive outlook towards life.
  • To influence others you must have established your personal and organizational goals. In order to achieve these goals you should work with others.
  • Expect the best from others and yourself.
  • Ascertain goals for you and your team.
  • Find your intermediate and long-term goals.
  • Keep your ambitions aligned with those of your organization.
  • Get ideas and support from others.
  • Envision an improved system and share it with others.
  • Harness the team’s strengths to achieve this vision.


  • When we are talking to someone we should maintain proper eye contact because eye contact shows your interest in the conversation.
  • Second thing which we should keep in mind is that we should lean forward as it shows our attention towards the conversation.
  • We should clasp our hands which show our willingness to listen.
  • Another important thing is our foot position. We should adopt forward pointing feet because it shows our attention towards the speaker.


  • We should arrange our conversation in a manner which conveys to the other party that we are listening to his side.
  • Keep your EARS open.
  • Learn to listen to others with Empathy.
  • Put yourself in their place.
  • Acknowledge their requirements.
  • Use body language like nodding.
  • Reflect on what is concerning them.
  • Make use of definitive words in your communication with them.
  • Summarize the main aspects.
  • Make sure your understanding of the concern is correct by asking them.


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